Pierre Huyghe - Liminal Leeum Museum of Art
Leeum Museum of Art proudly presents Liminal, the first solo exhibition in Asia by Pierre Huyghe, who has continuously explored new worlds by breaking away from fixed forms of contemporary art and from its exhibition models. Liminal highlights Huyghe’s artistic exploration over the past decade, including works co-commissioned with Punta della Dogana of the Pinault Collection.
Presenting a total of 12 works, including new pieces such as Liminal (2024-ongoing), Camata (2024-ongoing), and Idiom (2024-ongoing), as well as the artist’s renown works Human Mask (2014), Offspring (2018), and the aquarium series, the exhibition also introduces other works generated through collaboration between humans and machines, such as UUmwelt-Annlee (2016-2025) and Cancer Variator (2016).