Workshop: Lothar Baumgarten, Amazon Cosmos, Fall 2021
Kindergarten (Ecole Maternelle Eupatoria Paris 20e)
Elementary School (Ecole Primaire Avenue de République Paris 11e)
High School (Collège-Lycée Henri Wallon, Aubervilliers)
Four classes, ranging in age from preschool to high school, explored the exhibition of works by Lothar Baumgarten in Paris in 2021, as guided by the staff of Galerie Marian Goodman.
As an homage to one of the most influential German artists of his generation, the exhibition focuses on his early works, including his iconic film, Origin of the Night (Amazon Cosmos), a selection of photographs, a slide projection, as well as several sculptural installations. His famous floor piece, America Señores Naturales, originally created for the German Pavilion at the 41st Venice Biennale in 1984, and for which he was awarded the Golden Lion prize, is shown on the ground floor of the gallery.