Girls are brought into a world where what they have to do is already planned for them. How they have to look, dress and act. This 3D structure I composed with my boxed collection of multi-ethnic Barbie Dolls that represents that society we are born into; a constant reminder that we are young ladys. I have selected six dolls from my collection and set them in a circular display, encased in fences which represent a barrier. Those dolls are trapped in the idea that they have to have their hair straight & out. They have to wear pretty dresses and have makeup. We are given these dolls that put little girls under the influence that this is how they have to look in this world. The six dolls surrounding are to show how that barrier filled with lies can be broken and they are still considered women. Encased in the box, the dolls have a representation of their society in it; while also, on the box telling where they are from. Each of them are from different places and look very different. Having their hair just as it is, their clothes fully showing who they are and their looks are just as they feel comfortable with. They are facing the fencing in dolls to show there is a chance for them to be who they are without all the rules. That structure is over them as well because society is still watching them and telling them who they have to be. It's not perfect but they are who they want to be and it should be like that for every girl and even grown women. This is a representation of a Women's Society.