Final Project
The 3D sculpture that I created for my self portrait, has a different color contrast in the right and the left side of my 3D sculpture, There is symmetry in the middle of the 3 capsules, and the capsules are aligned with each other. The 3D sculpture was created to represent who I am and how objects that I collect, makes a visual statement about myself. 3D sculpture shows how many objects that I have collected on one side while and the other side has one long chain with a capsule. That capsule has black lines around it representing a cage. Inside that cage, it represents me as a rock, whereas I can't really see much of the outside world and what good there is in life. The struggles in my design was that I didn't really know how to show it as an abstract self portrait representing me using the objects and where to place them. So after brainstorming, I found out how it would be better to show the self portrait.