Final Project
As I was developing my 3 dimensional self portrait, I had bumps, and changes of mind frequently while working on this project due to my limitation of materials. At first, I was prompted to use random pieces of things, but I finally made up my mind and chose something that's more riveting. Sol LeWitt's works often consist of rhythmic repetitions and geometries, similarly, I was also inspired by his use of hierarchical organization in his sculptural pieces. I don't tend to think too much while making the model because I feel like it interferes with the process. I also don't interpret my work one certain way, I always see different narratives in what I'm making. This abstract self portrait is rather about my narrative and perspective than just my personality, or appearance. I used what I had plenty of-screws, pipes, caps. I was satisfied with what I made, it felt organic yet inorganic. It resembled things from nature-honeycomb-yet the whole scheme, the smoke tells something else-damages, pollution. But to be honest, I don't even really know what I was thinking, maybe I'm just bad at wording them, who knows. From what I can tell, I used symbolisms and contrast between nature and industries, human productions, some kind of dystopian-feeling construction. The deconstructed grid was the "beehive" thing that some might interpret as "nature falling into the negative effect of industries", and the other contrasting element was the trees and wood, I know it's out of nowhere but some might interpret it as, "cover-up" of what is being done to "nature".